Driving Course Overview

Approved Driver Safety Course: $450.00

*20 hours of classroom instruction
*Up to 5 hours of behind-the-wheel driving dependent on experience (may not necessarily be scheduled in the same week as classroom instruction)
* Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles approved drive test administered

The class fulfills all of the state of Nebraska requirements effective January 1, 1999 for students 14 to 18 years of age and satisfies most insurance company requirements for driver education. Discount availability is subject to specific insurance company policies.

Behind-the-wheel driving is done one-to-one unless other arrangements are made. The driver training vehicle is equipped with a second passenger-side brake.

After successful course completion, a student will be able to obtain the Provisional Operators Permit (POP) and a drive test waiver form and certificate for insurance is also issued. A student must complete all class and driving hours to receive a certificate.

Classes are taught at 11319 P Street,Omaha,Ne 68137 Suite 8 on bottom floor of building known as Empire Professional Building.